MVP Design @ Impekable

Let Impekable’s agile, practical design approach bring your next MVP concept to life.

MVPs, or ‘minimum viable products’, are a cost-effective way to quickly bring a new product or feature to market or to test its viability.

Whether you need MVP design alone — or you’re looking for a full-lifecycle partner who can support both design and development — Impekable can help you efficiently identify and design the key functionalities that’ll give your MVP the best possible odds of success.

Who Needs a Minimum Viable Product Design?

Businesses looking to begin with an MVP design before initiating development

Companies with complex product concepts that would benefit from an experienced MVP UX design perspective

Product teams with existing in-house development capabilities

What is MVP Design?

Minimum viable products (MVPs) are early-stage builds that include only the features needed for stakeholders — such as early-adopter users, investors, and more — to validate an idea’s feasibility and potential market viability.

MVP design, in particular, involves creating the core screens and other visual elements that will be built out as part of the eventual MVP development.

In some cases, MVP designs may also serve as proofs of concept — that is, teams may begin with core screens, mockups, clickable prototypes, or other visual-only solutions before deciding whether or not to proceed with development.

By investing in MVP design, companies can:

  • Bake high-quality user experiences into the MVP from the get-go, preventing teams from having to backtrack and course-correct later on
  • Facilitate a more agile development process, once the MVP moves into the build stage
  • Capture early feedback on the MVP’s design, preventing potential changes from slowing down the development process

Why is MVP Design Important?

Building digital products can be a significant undertaking, from the resources you invest to the time they take to develop.

Creating MVP versions helps to validate this effort. But without investing appropriately in MVP product design or MVP software design, your early-stage users may be too distracted by a poor UX or low-quality visuals to offer the feedback you need.

Our MVP Design Process

No matter what type of MVP you’re trying to create, Impekable’s team of highly skilled designers and UX specialists can help you plot the best course forward. Here’s how we help you demonstrate the future power of your digital product:

Understand Your Users and MVP Concept

We begin by getting to know both your target users and how your proposed MVP concept supports them. We also survey your existing technology, branding, and style guides to get a sense of how our MVP designs can best bring your project to life for them.

Develop Initial MVP Design Concepts

Whether we’re creating a simple proof of concept or an MVP design that’ll be taken live through development, we incorporate UX, UI, and design best practices into a first series of concepts for your review and feedback.

Finalizing Your MVP Design

As a team, we’re extremely collaborative -- after all, you’re the expert on your users and their needs! We’ll work together closely to refine your initial design concepts until we arrive at an MVP design you can be proud to share with different stakeholders.

Featured Case Studies:

Boss TV Mobile App Redesign

Impekable redesigned Boss TV’s TV apps for performance and experience, up leveling the visual design and user experience to give them a competitive edge in the streaming services market.

Netgear Website

Impekable redesigned Netgear’s ARLO website in a way that reflected its brand, helping the company to bring their design vision to life while improving on-site user experience and engagement.

Thinfilm CNECT IoT Platform

Impekable applied their expertise in visual design, UX design, and product design to the creation of CNECT platforms for Thin Film, helping the company lower barriers to entry and improve engagement.


Hear from Impekable’s
MVP Design Clients

Frequently asked questions

FAQ About MVP Design

What is a minimum viable product?

A minimum viable product includes the smallest number of features and functionalities that can be tested by early users to validate the concept’s merit. Even though most entrepreneurs and product owners have much larger visions for their solutions, MVP testing reveals whether or not there’s sufficient interest in the core idea to warrant further investment.


Put more simply, MVPs help companies figure out whether or not customers are likely to pay for the solution they have in mind -- before they put the time and money into building it out!

What is MVP design?

Minimum viable product design encompasses the creation of the MVP’s visual elements, including its user interfaces, customer journeys, and branded components. Establishing a strong MVP design approach early on ensures that early users are able to focus on validating the app’s core features, rather than its design.

What is MVP UX design?

MVP UX design focuses specifically on the minimum viable product’s UX, or ‘user experience’ within the product. MVP UX encompasses all of the different ways your users interact with your MVP, from its visual elements to the thoughtfulness that goes into ensuring their needs are met at each stage of their journey. 


Beginning with a well thought-out MVP UX design prevents early-stage challenges in the MVP development process. Since the goal of an MVP is to assess viability early on, it’s important to be able to distinguish challenges with the MVP’s UX from challenges with the features that have been built.

Stronger Designs, Faster MVPs

Impekable’s team of UX and technology experts is standing by to help you design an MVP that’ll make a splash. Reach out for more on how we’d approach your next project.

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