Angular Development Services @ Impekable

Craft memorable experiences through intuitive designs, engaging websites, and user-friendly applications built on Angular.

Impekable is an elite team of development and design experts dedicated to creating exceptional people-first experiences.

As an experienced Angular development company, our services reflect the needs of our enterprise clients, Fortune 500 companies, and startup partners — whether they’re new to Angular or working within legacy Angular infrastructure.

Who Needs an Angular Development Agency?

Enterprise clients who benefit from Angular’s wide adoption, easy talent sourcing, robust community, and extensive functionality.

Insurance and fintech companies that need secure, data-driven web applications that require stability, security, and extensibility.

Startups in need of an Angularjs consulting company that can create user-friendly experiences that convert potential customers into loyal clients.

What is Angular Development?

Angular is a primarily front-end framework that uses JavaScript or TypeScript to create powerful mobile and web applications.

A popular legacy framework, Angular is equipped with user-friendly functionality, client-side usability, and a mobile-oriented architecture that enables users to create cost-effective cross-platform applications.

At Impekable, we develop responsive web and mobile apps using Angular, in addition to providing support to applications already built on the framework. Our Angular development services team will partner with you to create a product that meets your needs, exceeds your expectations, and lives up to our industry-leading standards.

Why is Angular Development Important?

Even though Angular has been losing market share to newer frameworks like React, it’s still the 5th most commonly used framework by developers worldwide*.

Companies like Xbox, Forbes, and BMW continue to rely on Angular due in part to their extensive investments in the framework — and in part to its many advantages:

  • Google support
  • High-security TypeScripts
  • Intuitive user interfaces
  • Cost-friendly solutions
  • Mobile app functionality on websites
  • Easily maintainable and updatable code

Angular’s long popularity also makes sourcing Angular talent easy — an especially beneficial perk for non-technical founders and organizations without extensive in-house resources.


Our Angular Development Process

Our Angular development services follow a four-step process to ensure we deliver the best results possible:

Project Info Gathering

At the outset of your project, our Angular development consultants will take inventory of your needs and requirements. Depending on our findings and your goals, we may also perform a gap analysis in order to provide an initial cost estimate and project length.

Project Development

Once the project agreement is signed, we collaborate closely with you and your team to ensure your Angular development priorities are reflected every step of the way -- from early concept mockups to clickable prototypes and more.

Project Testing

Before your product is finalized, we perform both automated and manual testing to ensure complete functionality and usability. We’ll confirm your requirements are met before taking anything live.

Project Deployment

Finally, once you’re happy with our finished product, we’ll deploy your app or website, seamlessly integrating it into your existing architecture. Our team of professionals can also support you with regular maintenance and patch updates for a hassle-free, reliable user experience.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Angular in web development?

Released in 2010, Angular is one of the most popular open-source frameworks for web development applications. Angular can be used as a standalone front-end web development framework and may be a good choice for companies who want clean, easy-to-use code, improved CSS, seamless HTML integration, superior debugging, and fast testing. 


Angular offers a vast collection of integrated libraries that increase functionality and usability -- as a result, Angular can be a good choice for companies that need to scale projects quickly and efficiently.

Can I use Angular for mobile app development?

Yes, you can use Angular to develop mobile applications. In fact, Angularjs mobile app development is one of the most popular client-side approaches to mobile app development, as it is often faster and less expensive than using native Android and iOS frameworks. 


For the backend of your mobile app, you can use any server language or framework; however, the MEAN stack is used most commonly since it utilizes JavaScript and results in seamless communication. 

What is Angular in software development?

Angular was introduced by Google in 2010 and quickly became one of the most popular software development frameworks available. In many ways, it revolutionized web and mobile software application development by providing an easy way to build dynamic, user-friendly sites and apps.  


The Angular framework uses HTML and TypeScript in order to build scalable applications. Developers using Angular gain access to a collection of tools -- as well as robust user and support communities -- to help develop, test, and update their code in a straightforward and efficient manner. 

Are big websites developed in React or Angular?

Given Angular’s former popularity, many large companies have utilized the framework, including: 


  • Microsoft Office
  • PayPal
  • Delta
  • Samsung
  • Forbes
  • IBM
Why do companies opt to use Angular instead of React?

While React is popular for newer companies, many businesses continue to develop in Angular, given their prior investments in the framework. That isn’t to say that Angular doesn’t have its own advantages. A few of the perks that come with the framework include: 


  • Reusable components 
  • An extensive, easily-integrated library
  • The ability to easily design clean single-page applications (SPAs)
  • The ability to bind data in HTML, resulting in rich, dynamic user experiences
  • Easily testable and revisable code
  • A customer-focused experienced that is flexible and adaptable

Ready to Bring Your Ideas to Life?

Whether you’re a new user or an existing Angular customer, our Angular development team can work with you to create a progressive and dynamic application that scales your business.

Reach out to learn more about Impekable’s approach to Angular development.

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We help companies achieve their digital dreams, whether you’re an ambitious startup or a Fortune 500 leader. Contact us to see the impact our Impekable services can have on your next digital project.